Where Do I Place My Router, Camera, and/or Extender?

Pearl de Guzman

Last Update 1 ปีที่แล้ว

Where Do I Place My Router, Camera, and/or Extender?

The following are the most significant factors that may reduce Wi-Fi strength:

  • Distance
  • Physical impediments (some materials absorb Wi-Fi radio waves, preventing the signal from "bouncing" further).
  • Other devices in the vicinity are causing electronic interference.
  • Consider the path that your devices will take when deciding where to place them.
  • The Wi-Fi signal will have to travel from your router to your camera, as well as any obstacles they may encounter.

There is no simple way to determine the best placement. The best method is to experiment with various placements and see which works best.

Adding an Extender

An extender is simply a router relay point. Consider it a "second router" for placement purposes. Once you've added an extender, consider the path from the router to the extender, and then the path from the extender to the camera.

Installing an extender near the camera is not always the best option. Instead, position the extender so that it has an unobstructed path between the router and the camera.

Similarly, if the camera is hidden behind an obstruction, you might be tempted to place the extender directly in front of the obstruction to "punch through" to the camera. This may work, but another option is to try to get around the obstacle.

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