What is Wi-Fi Strength and RSSI?

Pearl de Guzman

Last Update 1 ปีที่แล้ว

What is Wi-Fi Strength and RSSI?

How is Wi-Fi Strength Measured?

The Wi-Fi Strength, or RSSI, is expressed in dBm and reflects the power of the Wi-Fi radio signals received by the camera. The measurement ranges from -100 to 0, with -100 being the weakest signal strength.

What is Your Recommended Wi-Fi Strength?

For optimal camera streaming and recording, a Wi-Fi signal strength (RSSI) of greater than -55 dBm is recommended. A signal strength of greater than -70 dBm is acceptable, but may result in a poor video experience. If the signal strength is below -70 dBm, the video experience will be severely degraded.

How Reliable is This Measurement?

The measurement of Wi-Fi strength can vary and is not a definitive indicator of camera performance. Although our recommendations serve as a general guide, some customers may experience adequate camera performance despite having weaker Wi-Fi strength readings, while others may experience degradation despite having stronger readings. However, the majority of customers will have experiences that align with our guidelines.

Causes of Weak Wi-Fi Strength

The quality of communication between your camera and your router is determined by Wi-Fi signal strength. Consider Wi-Fi signal strength to be the ability of two people to hear each other talking. Some of the causes of poor signal strength include:

  • Interferences between the router and the device
  • Other electronic devices that generate electronic signals can cause interference.
  • The separation between the router and the device
  • Several devices are streaming to your router.
  • An out-of-date router

Indications of Weak Wi-Fi Signal Strength

  • Poor video or audio quality.
  • Motion notifications may be delayed or not received at all.
  • Gaps in recorded videos are possible.
  • During streaming, Live View may not connect or may disconnect. 

    To learn how to improve Wi-Fi strength, please visit here.

If you have found this tutorial helpful, but still require further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out for support.

Our team of live representatives is available to chat or answer any questions you may have through our toll-free number at 1-800-467-2337, or you can use our click2call webpage to call us directly from your device for free. 

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